Monday, February 13, 2012

Dual Enrollment

Tomorrow begins another new adventure for Ady! She is beginning her dual enrollment at the elementary school in town. She will be going to school for music, library, and P.E. She will also be attending class parties, field trips, assemblies, and other fun school activities. She is excited to start. She knows a couple of the girls that are going to be in her class, so she has some friends there already. I think this is the perfect balance for her. She gets to learn from me, but she also gets some time away from me to be with other kids her age. Her teacher has been very accepting (a refreshing change from our last experience) and the school principal has been more than accommodating. Although way too large in my opinion (700 students in k-2) and they don't encourage parent volunteers, the school seems nice.

It have been a bit confusing, trying to figure out the homeschooling laws in our new state. Ady is registered in a private virtual school, so we can claim her as a private school student in this state. But that could void her right to attend the public school for some non-core classes. (Although the principal and our school district contact have told us that won't be an issue, the state could say it is not allowed.) Or we could claim that Ady is taught by a private tutor because I have a teaching certificate. Both of the above options would mean that she would not have to complete any federal, state, or district testing. If we claim that she is homeschooled, we will need to submit a portfolio of student work at the end of the year, Ady will have an interview with an evaluator, and she will have to complete federal testing a few times during her school career. It is great that we have so many options, but it can be a little confusing!

I will let you know how tomorrow goes for Ady!

1 comment:

  1. "It has been", not "It have been a bit confusing." I read over this post three times before I submitted it! How did I miss that?
