Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Road Trip

Here is another thing I love about homeschooling: Road Trips! Because Ady is not "in school" we can travel when we want without her missing any school. Jeromie had a meeting in Bedford and we decided to join him. We got here last night and went swimming right away. This morning Ady and I went for a hike. It was raining, but we didn't care. We had a great time "looking for nature in nature," in Ady's words. After our hike we did some reading, spelling, and math in a cozy spot in the resort. This afternoon we are heading back to the pool. Life is short and kids spent too much time cooped up inside, studying and stressed out. While I do agree that learning is vital to success, I don't think kids need to have learning shoved at them all day. Some days we do more work than others. For me, as a former teacher, this means freedom. For Ady it means learning to manage what needs to be done in the amount of time it needs to be done. And it means that learning can be fun and exciting! Ady has visited (and lived in!) many places and it's great that she can connect what she is learning through her education to places she has visited and things she has seen on our trips.

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